Happy 1ST Birthday Prayer for My Daughter Quotes

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1ST Birthday Prayer for My Daughter: Here are beautiful prayers to write on your Facebook timeline or WhatsApp status to celebrate your daughter’s first birthday.

1ST Birthday Prayer for My Daughter

  • My darling daughter, today is your 1st birthday. Today, I hope that you bring unimaginable happiness to the lives of many people in this world who lack it. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful gift – you. Happy 1st birthday!


  • God, please give my daughter a wonderful birthday with all your blessings. She is a special little girl and has brought so many smiles to our faces. I prayed for her well-being and happiness.


  • Lord, bless my baby, she is just one year old. I pray that you give her grace to face the challenges in life. Make it easy for her to stand tall amongst all the challenges of life. Enable her to conquer all her battles with grace and ease.


  • Dear Lord, From the time my baby completed one year, I pray that you hold her in your loving arms. As she sleeps tonight, celebrate with me; it is something special to watch our baby grow each day. Let her stay happy and healthy at all times.


  • Dear God, I pray that all your happiness, satisfaction, and desires are fulfilled. Dear Lord, let her be safe, protected, and healthy!


  • I want the very best for my daughter and pray she’ll be happy throughout her days. She’ll have a smile so big it


  • Dear God, on this special day I would like to thank you for the perfect gift you have given me. You have blessed her with a very pleasant personality, and the courage to conquer any problems that come her way.


  • God, give her calmness, courage, and confidence. Make her a good decision-maker. Continue to bless her with your presence and love. Be with her on this very day and always.


  • Oh God, I am eternally grateful for having a child as precious as my little daughter. The love I have for her cannot be measured in words. Please protect her, guide her and watch over her. I pray that she grows up to be a confident and god-fearing woman.


  • Dear Lord, as I look at your creation, I am filled with humility, awe, and wonder. You are an excellent God. Happy birthday! I wish my precious baby a blessed 1st birthday.


  • Dear Lord, we present our precious firstborn on this most joyous birthday. Please shower her with your love as she opens her presents. Please grant your angels to be with her and surround her with peace, hope, and love.


  • Thank you, God, for blessing me with my first child. I hope she will grow up to be a kind and loving child. Watch over her when she sleeps, protects her when she is awake, and guide everything she does.


  • Lord, thank you for blessing me with this precious daughter of mine. She has brought so much joy to my life and I am grateful for every moment I spend with her. I pray that she finds goodness and happiness in everything she does.


  • most merciful God, we thank you for blessing us with this child. We pray that You keep her well and safe from harm. Guide her throughout her life.


  • Dear God, Thank you for blessing me with this wonderful gift. Guide me in raising her as an individual and mentor to become a person of good standing. I pray that you protect her from all harm and make her live a meaningful life.


  • God, thank you for blessing me with this beautiful and angelic daughter. You have given me the responsibility of looking after her for the rest of my life. Help me to always promote her best interest no matter what.


  • Dear Father, thank you for blessing my child with your presence. May she live out her life always in your grace and mercy.


  • Happy first birthday to my dearest child. I know it was hard for you to leave your mom’s womb, but please don’t worry we will love you dearly. You are firstborn among many children of God, and I am proud to call you mine!


  • Dear God, my wishes for this baby’s first year are that she would be surrounded by lots of love, laughter, and joy. Please guide me as a parent to teach her right from wrong and help me with discipline.


  • Dear Lord, I pray that you let my daughter be able to love and care for others like she has been taught to and also be thankful every day for all that she has.


  • Oh Lord, you do many things which we cannot understand. One of them is sending a wonderful child-like daughter into this world. Thank you for giving me the gift of her life.


  • Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with this tiny angel, I pray that you would continue to guide her footsteps in the right direction. Thank you for bringing us together and respecting our wishes.


  • Lord, on this special day, I pray that you protect my daughter’s health and well-being. I pray that you give her the wisdom to make decisions and the strength to bear the challenges in life. Thank you for blessing her with her mother’s love and support.


  • Thank you for blessing us with a lovely daughter. We thank you for loving her to bits and showering her with care and affection. In all this, keep her safe from harm, and let her grow up healthy, wealthy, and wise.


  • Dear Lord, as I bring home my daughter today and introduce her to you, please shower down on her with everything she requires. For she is my firstborn. O Lord, give us a long life together.


  • Dear God, I come to you on this special day, for my daughter. Pray for her Lord, that she would live a fruitful, meaningful life and be happy. As you watch over us, please bless us with your protection.


  • Lord, I pray for the gift of grace and understanding. Lord, bless my little girl.


  • Thank you, God, for my little princess. She is the best present You could ever give me. I pray that she grows up to be a strong, independent, and kind-hearted person just like her mommy.


  • Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me this precious gift even though sometimes I don’t deserve your mercy. I pray for your divine wisdom to guide me on a positive path so that my child will know how to live a prosperous and victorious life.


  • Lord, give my child a special blessing this day. Help her to see the splendor of your creation and to appreciate its value. Help her to see the purpose of every living creature and to respect it.


  • Dear Lord, for this lovely kid of mine, I ask that you bring her all the happiness in life. Please let her be a hundred percent healthy, let her grow and be wise and smart.


  • Dear Lord, shower my baby with love and blessings. Her future is bright because of the wonderful family she has. Lord, give her a long life so that she can enjoy it with her grandparents, parents, cousins, and friends.


  • Dear God, I ask for your protection for my daughter, for strength for me, and long life together.


  • Dear God, I pray that you bless my baby, giving her the support and strength she requires. I ask for courage to protect her and stand by her side in all situations, angels to guide and teach her, joy and blessings to be ever by your side.


  • God, thank you for blessing me with a daughter. Let her grow into a respectable woman and use the wisdom that you have given us to raise her. Let her know that I love her very much, and let us teach her to love You. God bless.


  • The moment you first came into my life, I knew I will never leave your side. You have grown from a single seed and turned into a beautiful flower.   God has given you so much. May this day be the happiest of all.


  • Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you wrap your arms around my daughter. Thank you for keeping her safe. Thank you for watching over her. And thank you for loving her beyond words can express.


  • Lord, regardless of how a child arrives in our life, we are utterly grateful. We thank you for your boundless mercy and promise that we will provide her with the love and care she deserves.


  • Dear Lord, I know that your intentions for me are good. I put my trust in you. Thank you for keeping me safe and sound today as I celebrate another year with family and friends.


  • We pray that she will be protected from all harm so that she can flourish into an admirable individual, an obedient daughter, a wonderful wife, and a great mother.


  • May your life be filled with happiness and all the experiences that will make your dreams into reality. I pray for you to have a wonderful 1st birthday, and I look forward to many more with you.


  • Lord, bless my daughter on her first birthday. May she have all the best things to be enjoyed in life and grow up to be a good citizen of this nation. Lord, I thank you for watching over my daughter and blessing her with love, tenderness, and joy.


  • Dear Lord, please bless my child as she turns a year old. May the angels wrap their wings around her, and the sound of your footsteps guide her through this new year. I celebrate her 1st birthday.


  • Lord, on this special day I pray for your blessing for my daughter. Please grant her good health and happiness all through her life. I pray that she has a beautiful life ahead. She is the mother of my heart, the most precious person in my life!


  • Father, I ask for your blessings on the day my daughter is 1-year-old. I don’t know what to pray for her yet. Please guide me on the right path and help me lead her into becoming a mature young lady.


  • Dear God, thank you for the gift of my daughter, who has filled my life with so much joy and love. I pray that she never loses her sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around her.


  • Dear Lord, with the little daughter you have given me, I hope that you will guide her through the path of happiness.


  • Lord, I pray you to give her a graceful soul. Lord, I make a request that you give her goodness and grace. Lord, make sure she is always at peace. Lord, please give her beauty and keep her from harm.


  • All you need to know is that I will love you forever and always, and no one can tell me otherwise. God has given me this soulmate and I will do anything to protect and preserve it. I hope in return I can be that loving and caring forever.


  • Here is a brief 1st birthday prayer for my daughter, I wish this child nothing but the best of everything and that she grows up to be an incredible adult.


  • Today is my daughter’s first birthday. I pray that you send her angels to guide her through life. Let her laughter gild the hallways of heaven and brighten your own home. This special day, grant her an abundance of knowledge, wisdom, and happiness.


  • Dearest Lord, please bless my daughter with the most wonderful year of her life. Please protect her from any accident and make advanced learning possible for her. Please also give her a great sense of understanding, courage, and integrity.


  • Prayer for my 1-year-old daughter to survive, Lord. Give her the strength to live, and the wisdom to understand. Give her a strong will to accomplish her goals. Keep her mind focused and filled with love. This prayer is in your hands!


  • May the Lord give you blessings and strength, and keep you in his heart. May the eyes of your loving father shine more than a million stars, may the love of your mother be with you always, and may your dreams come true.


  • Father, we pray for your constant protection over our daughter. May she attain every success on this special day as you take her under your protective wings. Guard her against all evil and keep her safe.


  • Dear God, I pray that you keep my daughter in your care and show her that she is valuable to you. You have given her so much love.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for your infinite love and blessings. May my child grow up as strong, healthy, and wise as her father.


  • Dear God, please help my daughter to be intelligent and to accomplish what she will want in the future, give her good health, long life and make her a strong girl who never breaks down.


  • Sweet child of God, thank you for arriving in this world to brighten the lives of many people. Thank you for being my pride and joy. I bow down at your tiny feet and promise to raise you as a responsible and caring human being.


  • Lord God, thank you for blessing our daughter. Please keep her healthy and happy. Be with her every step of the way, guide her, and give her wisdom in the decisions that she makes.


  • As you enter another year of a new life, I pray that you will live your life to the fullest. May the Lord watch over you, as he has always done so in the past. I send this special prayer for my daughter, who is celebrating her first birthday today.


  • I prayed for you, at the moment of your birth, and I will pray for you ’til God calls me home. My child, I am so happy that you were born in my life, and I know that today is another day to celebrate. Happy first birthday to you angel.


  • Be my daughter’s guardian angel, help her to live in the light of Your holiness. Lord, help me to give my daughter your unconditional love so she will feel at home with me.


  • Lord, I pray that you guide my daughter throughout her life. She is only a baby now, I know she will have to go through many things in life. I hope that you help her make the right decisions. I pray for your protection over her.


  • Time flies, today is the day we celebrate the joy of having you in our lives. I wish you a long and healthy life ahead.


  • Lord, give me the strength to raise my little angel in the best possible way. Help me instill your values in her right from the start of her life. Please give her wisdom and communication skills, so that I will have someone to talk to in the future.


  • Dear God, please bless her with all the patience and health in this world, so that she can become a mature woman and a good mother.


  • Dear God, I have a daughter to enjoy your gift of love; thanks for her. Help me to make her feel secure and guide her through this round of life as it has just begun. While you are at it, help my husband build the right environment for growth.


  • Dear father, I can’t thank you enough for blessing me with such a beautiful pearl of your love. Mommy and daddy love her to bits, and she is the apple of our eyes. Guide her in her quest to know the true meaning of your grace.


  • My dear daughter, your 1st birthday is just a few days away. No matter how scary it sounds to be a parent but I am going to make sure that you will always love me, trust me, and want for nothing as my prayers are always with you. Have a fun-filled happy birthday.


  • Dear Lord, I ask of you for more happiness for my daughter in her 1st year of life, but also safety from any harm. If it’s possible, I would like to ask that your angels go ahead and watch over her every day.


  • Today is your birthday, my little girl. God chose you to be born on this day and put on this earth for a reason. Always remember that you can accomplish anything if you believe in yourself first.


  • Happy 1st birthday, my sweet! May all your dreams come true! Today is a special day. It is the day you entered this world. It is the day your parents have waited for. May today bring you only joy and laughter!


  • Lord, thank you for bringing my daughter into my life. I pray that she grows up to be a responsible young woman who makes good decisions and who brings happiness to my life. I also pray for each moment we share to be filled with love and joy.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with a healthy and bright baby girl. I know you have entrusted me with something very precious and that I should always remember the wonderful times we had together when she was still in the womb.


  • Dear God, thank you so much for blessing me with a strong and healthy baby. Help her grow wise, intelligent, and beautiful as she grows to be an adult. I sincerely pray that you protect her from evil forces and illness.


  • Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with the most amazing and wonderful daughter who has filled my life with joy and laughter. Teach her how to be kind; teach her how to be strong and how to always remain firmly grounded in your love.


  • Lord! Besides me, the one I cherish the most on this special day is my daughter. Thank you for blessing her with all that she needs to be happy and successful.


  • Dear Lord, thank you for a beautiful day. I pray that she continues to bring happiness and joy to our lives, and I love her more than words can express.


  • This coming birthday is for joy and wonder to begin a new cycle of life with happiness. Blessed by God in heaven, we thank you for this gift of life.


  • I pray that she will be a strong and confident baby girl who knows what she wants to do in life. Please help her understand that she is loved by me!